1 min read

Australian Renewable Energy Agency Seeking To Enhance Wind and Solar Forecasting

ARENA is looking to enhance short-term wind and solar forecasting projects to be applied to large-scale wind and solar farms across the country as reported by OpenGov Asia.

ARENA is pledging up to $10 million in funding to improve the 5-minute ahead forecasts for wind and solar farms. ARENA is partnering with AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) in order to demonstrate that wind and solar farms can give an accurate forecast of their output into AEMO’s dispatch system.

AEMO is responsible for:

  • Operating the country’s biggest gas and electricity markets and power systems
  • Managing the National Electricity Market (NEM)
  • Managing the interconnected power system in the eastern and south-eastern seaboard
  • Overseeing the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM)
  • Overseeing Western Australia’s power system.

At present, AEMO is responsible for the forecast of how much power will be generated by solar and wind farms. Also part of the trial is the renewable farms to submit their own forecast to AEMO, which will allow local measurements to be combined with AEMO’s model in improving the overall accuracy of the readings.

Click here to read the full story on OpenGov Asia

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